Les actualités
le 17 aout 2013 à partir de 17h.
La poste innove et confie à ma2f la conception du premier timbre creux de l'histoire de la philatélie. Il est édité pour la principauté d'Andorre.
Buy a Point 2 Vue
For the past ten years or so in the town of Collioure in the Pyrénées-Orientales, the most beautiful "points 2 vue" are highlighted by identical sculptures that take the shape of empty frames. They present the Collioure bell tower through a 12 stop itinerary.
Several patrons of the arts (the town of Collioure and the General Council of the 66 district) back the creation of this artistic itinerary, proposed by the artist Marc André 2 FIGUERES. The latter follows the natural trail along the bay of Collioure and invests the space. It is not represented in pictorial form but in reality; a reality that depends on the point of view of the spectator.
The Tourist Center proposes this itinerary on the town's map and invites visitors to go to specific places on the map. The Ministry of Culture sponsors these sculpture-frames that are veritable works of art.
Technique for a P2V sculpture
This cultural itinerary will give the visitors to your town a new way of seeing remarkable sites and even discover new and sometimes little known viewpoints.
More than a work of art, the itinerary is also a way of highlighting the region and the cultural influence that goes beyond the town and the country. The concept is based on the notion of a network of "points 2 vue" in partnering towns that then become linked together.
Finally we would like to draw your attention to Article 238 bis of the Tax Code that enables partner companies to deduct, either in part or completely, this investment.
In order to install an acquisition or an entire P2V itinerary and/or for more information as well as the advantages for you in cultural terms and in terms of notoriety and communication, please contact our project p2V service :
Marjorie FRANCOIS,
In charge of the P2V project and communication
Contact : 06 14 41 64 32