After observing several photographs shot from the "points 2 vue" on Collioure's bell tower, pupils in a Year 3 / 2nd Grade drew their own landscape view through a frame.

Les actualités

Marc-André 2 Figuères dédicacera les 2 affiches (nuit/jour) qu'il a dessiné pour les prestigieuses fêtes de Collioure, lors du vernissage de son exposition "Baigneuses à Collioure"
le 17 aout 2013 à partir de 17h.

La poste innove et confie à ma2f la conception du premier timbre creux de l'histoire de la philatélie. Il est édité pour la principauté d'Andorre.

P2V de la semaine

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Tous les P2V de la semaine

P2V pedagogy

After observing several photographs shot from the "points 2 vue" on Collioure's bell tower, pupils in a CE1 class  (Year 3 / 2nd Grade) from a school of   Saint-Brevin-les-Pins drew their own landscape view through a frame.

They appealed to their memories and imagination, melting dream and reality. Then, they wrote a short text to give explanations about their drawing.

A specific work on perspective during science class will follow the collection of all these drawings, which are just as many child artwork.

Translation Christel schweisguth